
Seasonal School on Data Management in Biodiversity and Environmental Science

durch Judith Engel (University Bremen), Dr. Ludmilla Figueiredo (iDiv), Dr. Anahita Kazem (iDiv), Dr. Ivaylo Kostadinov (German Federation for Biological Data), Erik Kusch (Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo), Jimena Linares (German Federation for Biological Data), Prof. Wolfgang Müller (HITS - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies), Alexandra Nozik (ZMT), Matthias Pauli (University Bremen), David Schellenberger-Costa (University Leipzig), Dr. Cédric Scherer, Dr. Johannes Signer (Georg-August-University Göttingen), Uwe Schindler (University Bremen)


Seasonal School on Data Management in Biodiversity and Environmental Science

When: 2 - 6 December 2024 

Where: online

Credit: no credits

Charges: no charges

Organizational Team:


Target Group:

PhD students and Early-Career Researcher with background and interest in ecology, biodiversity and environmental sciences. 

Course description:

The Seasonal School will provide state-of-the-art skills and knowledge in handling scientific data across the data life cycle and is a cooperation between the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig and the National Research Data Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Environmental Data (NFDI4Biodiversity).
In a combination of direct knowledge transfer and practical lessons, participants will be introduced to fundamentals and cutting edge tools in the field and how to use them for their future careers. The Seasonal School provides a unique opportunity to get introduced to advanced knowledge in research data management including the handling of data across technical borders such as combining different programming languages and/or software tools in a very short amount of time.
Various experts from renowned universities, data centers and research institutions in the biodiversity sector have been invited as speakers and will share their knowledge with the participants.

In order to align training material, content of the lectures and practical lessons specifically to the needs of the participants, we need some information about your background and skills (e.g. level of programming experience, familiar programming tools). Further, you will be asked to fill out a letter of motivation (max. 1500 characters).

Please note that spaces are limited. Priority will be given to members of the iDiv graduate program (yDiv), but participants from all institutions are welcome to apply.

Registration will be closed at 27th of September 2024.

The data will be processed in accordance to the Privacy Policy of the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio). The detailed version can be found here: https://www.gfbio.org/privacy-policy.

Please feel free to contact us (training@gfbio.org) if you have specific inquiries. 


Organisiert durch

NFDI4Biodiversity & Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv)

Organizational Team